Friday, October 26, 2012

Starting a Fitness Challenge

“Hey friends!! I’m starting a fitness challenge, like a “Biggest Loser” type of challenge on November 12th! We’ll workout, eat clean, and keep each other ON TRACK for 90 days!! Let’s get our bodies BEACH-READY! I’m just going to accept 5-6 people in this group because I want it to be a SMALL focus group! Want more details?? Then click LIKE or comment below! ”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Where are you

Where are you… more importantly do you like were you are?  When I first started out I fell into the 30% plus range, along with all the problems that came along with it.   When I was in my prime I was in the 6-7% group, yeah that was in my early to mid 20s… but man I was hot back then and there were some real benefits with being there. Where do I want to be? For me my goal is the 8 to 9%. 

Now how do I get there? 

Those were all the questions that I had when I first started.  I had to set a goal, because without that I would never accomplish anything. I was lucky in the fact that my wife had already become a part of the Beachbody community and she had chosen the program that I was going to take part in. Where am I now I’m hanging in around 13% after the completion of the Rev Abs Program, a nutritional reworking of my eating habits had to be done also,  I was killing myself one 44oz Soda at a time.

 Shakeology was one of those things that I was pleasantly surprised about.  I had tried all kinds of diet drinks and every time it seemed like the same thing, most were grainy or gritty or they would leave a crazy after taste in my mouth.   I would never thought in a million years that I would have really fallen for a Total meal replacement system that just jettisoned my results the way Shakeology did.  This was definitely a huge contributing factor in making the progress that I did make in such a short time.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Transformation

Have you ever had an epiphany? That moment you look at something, then it hits you just like an Acme Safe coming down on your head.  Yeah I had one of those.  I was going through my morning routine and I came out of the bathroom and there in front of me was a set of pictures that I have walked by a thousand times.  On the right side was a picture of me holding my son, he was about 5 years old, there I saw a slim fit man who was physically strong and rather good looking if I do say so myself.  On the left side was the same guy holding my daughter… Though this guy who was over 240lbs.  Then I looked down… Yep that was me now. I then looked to the picture on the right and said “That was the guy I was.”  The guy I want to be then I looked at the picture on the left and said “I don’t know who you are but that’s not me.”

Where did all this weight come from?

Well let me say I had become the trash compactor for the family… I didn't want that food to go to waste.  I was eating like a person that was 20 but at 35 years of age the systems don’t work the same any more.    Factor 2 after graduating from college My little girl was born,  meanwhile prior to her birth every time Mommy got hungry I would eat also well you can see where that got me .

  Working 2 jobs, fast food had become a staple of my DIEt… Notice the emphases on the DIE part of diet.   Living off of large sodas and fast food was becoming a fast way for me to throw my entire body into the realm of obesity… 

I was in constant pain all the time.  Some days I could barely make it out of bed.  Yeah and I was told that I snored like a bear. That got so bad that my wife got me a special pillow to elevate me so I wouldn't snore… 
I won’t say that this revelation was brought on just by me, my wife had started working out a couple months before this and I wasn't exactly the most supportive about it.  How many times have you been shopping with the misses and they say” I’m going to get this”… I would shrug and say “okay”.   I had seen her pick up more than a couple of these DVDs at different outlet stores, play them a couple times and then end up on a shelf collecting dust.  She was the one that introduced me to Shakeology and a program called Rev Abs. 
Well the rest is a bit of history now but his is me now.

I strive every day to take it to the next level, becoming even healthier.  I am a warrior in the battle against Obesity and I will climb any mountain and proclaim that “YOU CAN DO IT TOO!”